Confessions are hard to make.
but I am willing to make one.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Confession: I want to feel beautiful
Monday, July 20, 2009
And suddenly I felt just fine...
Nothing was going right and thats the truth. Nothing could pick up my spirits because:
FML. seriously.
Not my friends lol worthy jokes, our bad mouthing the ones who bad mouthed us that day. [which I normally dont partake in but I was furious, dont judge.] not my usually calming horse. Not a phone call from Luka. nothing seemed to be working.
So I said "F this." and went home, tore off my dirty clothes, ate my amazing Veggie five dollar foot long Subway Sub, went online, read some lusty FanFic and then saw this picture.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
RIP paper bag children
I have been Oh so busy with my life right now:
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My Dads Day
This is your day dad, and so is the next day and the next and the next...
Friday, June 19, 2009
she-male aka Cera

look at me with my vintage camera looking fetch.
atta' boy...
but you can still tell me what you think!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
in need of assistance
There I was on the toilet. Doing my thing. and then to my own horror I realized: I was out of TP.
pps. yes. I have long ps' sometimes. get over it.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
and the hard part: getting out of the gossip
Im not perfect. in any way shape or form.
I make plenty of mistakes.
and I will say sorry when I think its granted.
when someone treats me like a child instead of the adult I am, it doesnt make me angry. it breaks my heart.
you ask, I deliver.
Im not a sugar-coater if you know what I mean.
the truth hurts darling, but its better to know your flaws than to hide them from the world forever.
Gossip is an instant cringe upon on my face. Its not that I dont understand the lethalness of it, the heartbreak of it. I get it. I get how easy it is to fall under its spell when its going from one ear, to yours, to the next.
I just never thought it would happen to me. Ive never had a story to tell someone else. I dont get emabrrassed, Im not rude to people, Im honest, I dont do drunk calls, I keep my hair clean, etc. theres never been much to say about Kortnii. until someone decided to take my words and twist them into something that is ugly, hurtful, and most of all: a big fat fatty of a lie.
and you know what Ive learned about gossip?
its exactly the amount of bullshit and lies about the person as I thought it was.
you know what else?
it makes me laugh.
like Ive said countless times: I dont care what you think. so long as its about me.
love that saying, I really do.
For those who truly care about me: I love you.
anyone else: I love you too.
there isnt enough in me to hate anyone to be honest. those who cant stand me I still have room in my heart for. they make me laugh with their rediculousness. whats not to love?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Brain Blah
Can we say brain blah? seriously.
Sorry bloggers, I think I might need a break.
"but kortnii, you dont even post that often"
I just need more progress on my real writing. no offense bloggers, I do love telling you all the random things that go on in my head. but Ive really had some amazing ideas these days that need a little more attention than usual.
It wont be a long break. it might not be a break at all. Prolly just wont blog til Thursday. so I can FINALLY hold my first Creeptastic Thursday event of a blogtime. yeah, you dont even have to say its about time, cuase I know it is.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
apparently biznitch aint shiz
So I went for a night walk, like I always do.
at night.
I know.
Im freakin unstoppable.
No, it wasnt scary.
I promise.
ok. maybe a little.
but there was room for lols.
Ya see, while I was struttin my stuff walking my ear bud that was blarin only the sweetest tunes in my ear fell out I witnessed something scary, funny, and lol worthy.
Two kids were climbing on the benches by the sidewalk having a conversation.
"ok kortnii...why do we care?"
well because of what they were saying. or trying to say. whatever.
"dude, what about your sis?"
I walked in the middle of it, so yeah I was lost too
"naw, that biznitch aint fluckin shiz"
"fluck. no?"
"pff. shes potatos"
I lol-ed for REAL.
out loud.
looking right at them.
and of course I got a "what?" from the two of them.
and of course I substituted the real swears as something more...appropriate and to me, funny. I cant have people complainin about my blog lingo can I? well I can. but I dont feel like dealing with it right now.
OH! and before I forget to tell you bloggers, I saw the most BOO RADLEY looking house ever. [if you dont know who boo radely is, go die. or read to kill a mocking bird. whichever]
OH!!! and you can still comment on my last post about the movie awards. I wont mind :] I still want to know what you thought about it all.
ps. the two kids are not from the ghetto. they arent black. and they were not wearing shirts that said LIFES A BEACH or SHUT UP, YOUR MOM on them. they were like. 10 years old. prolly still in pampers.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
they see us winnin' and they hatin'

my thoughts?:
I want piano cat at my wedding. for reals.Robert Pattinson is hot. just saying...
Kristen Stewart looked sober. thumbs up.
Peter in the 360 pic was lol worthy to the max hardcore. didnt see it? click this
Megan Fox looked like a scuzz dog. take a shower girl.
Cam has too tight of pants on.
Robert is sweet for thanking his stunt double for doing all the work for him to win that award.Andy is the best host MTV awards has ever had. ever.
Zac Efron has a mop on his head..or a dead jellyfish nested there.
Eminem still sucks. yawn.
Taylor Launter was nominated even though he only had like 5 mins in the film. thats cool.
The popcorn man-guy-thing scares me. a lot.
The gum commercial guy talks like he has a ten foot wad of gum in his mouth.
Commercials piss me off.
Paris Hilton needs to get over herself. bff deal. no one cares. shoo. go be-friend a grizzly bear.
Harry Potter is so last year. but Im so stoked.
Bruno looks just like Borat. which was gross more than funny. but Ill so go see it.
Didnt need to see Brunos ass though.
I dont know if Eminem was in on the skit deal. he might sue. who knows.
Although Eminem DOES promote bum in face doesnt he? who. knows.
Harry Potter kids look smokin. but are still so last year
the Tech movie award guy needs to stop humping his award. or breathing. whatevs.
you cant say dick on tv unless youre live.
Sandra Bullock is gorgeous. and my fav actress since the dawn of my time. Id be fake lez with her.
And Sandra made me lol long time when she groped Kristen.
Kristen is a tease. end of story.
The cover of jizz in my pants, boat, etc, was NOT funny. dont ask "why not?" it just wasnt.
The WTF award. I wouldve loled if I was 2 yrs old and thought swearing was funny still.
Lil Wayne is really Lil. yeah, true story.
Miley Cyrus didnt deserve that music award. and is NOT on a boat.
New Moon is going to be AMAZING with a side of OMG I CANT BREATHE.
Keiffer made me lol with his crying. but went overboard.
Ben Stiller is a jew. a really cool jew.
Kristen had a Bella moment. dropping the award. made me lol long time.
Kings of Leon live sounds just like they do on the album. which sucks. so you do the math.
Twilight cleaned up! like I said they would.
Just cause youre dead, doesnt mean youll win an award. no pity points here. *cough The Dark Knight cough*
Robs hot. end of story.
Thats all I can remember, seeing as half way through re-watching the award show my internet disappeared. freakin lame, I know. I didnt even get to see the trailer I already watched ten times online again. And I didnt get to see Rob being Robalicious again. AND I didnt get to see Kings of leon again [thank god].
its early in consideration to what time I went to bed last night [morning] Im off to potato in front of the tv, hoping that the award show will company me while I eat my lunch.
If you still havent seen the show yet, I pretty much filled you in. but if you have:
Tell me what YOU thought of the award show.
Do you think Twilight deserved all those awards? Cause I didnt.
Do you think Megan Fox is NOT a fox? cause I dont.
Do you think Rob is adorable? cause I do.
Do you think that the 360 camera is AMAZING? cause I do
Do you think Eminem will sue? lets place bets.
ps. want more pics? got em here